Paul Kawczak



January 23, 2020
320 pages
128 × 190 mm
19 €
																Paul Kawczak, Ténèbre
																Paul Kawczak, Ténèbre

One morning in September 1890, a Belgian surveyor, commissioned by his King to dismantle Africa, left Leopoldville for the North. With the authority of the stars and a few scholarly instruments, Pierre Claes’ mission was to materialize, in the wilderness, the exact course of what Europe then called “progress”. On board the Fleur de Bruges, gliding down the Congo River, he is accompanied by Bantu workers and Xi Xiao, a Chinese master tattooist, an executioner specialising in the art of human cutting. He sees the future in everything: Xi Xiao knows what a work of abomination colonization is, and he knows that he will love the surveyor of love. Ténèbres is the story of a mutilation. Kawczak presents an incredible adventure novel full of eroticism, an opera of desire and pain with magical realism, which from Northern Europe to the heart of Africa flows like a tear of blood on the face of History.

The author

Paul Kawczak was born on 12 November 1986 in Besançon, France. His doctoral studies in literature took him to Sweden and then to Quebec. With the taste of exile came the taste of writing, as a form of return. Paul Kawczak is a publisher. Ténèbres is his first novel.

January 23, 2020
320 pages
128 × 190 mm
19 €