Hélène Gaudy


August 19, 2024
288 pages
140 × 205 mm
20,50 €
																Hélène Gaudy, Archipels
																Hélène Gaudy, Archipels

In this investigative novel, Hélène Gaudy explores the lives of her father, as well as everyone’s intimate relationship with memories.

It took her mind drifting to Jean-Charles Island for her to come face to face with her father. Who is this man with a quiet presence, never questioned? The first place to explore is his studio. Throughout his life, the artist has collected and piled up all sorts of objects amidst his canvases, each one bearing the imprint of landscapes he has loved and inhabited. There are also the notebooks he entrusts to her, revealing the childlike man who knows nothing of his past, the idealistic and sentimental young adult, the teacher in Algeria, the husband with unwavering whimsy, or even the poet. Gradually, their writings intertwine.

Through this paternal geography, she becomes the archivist of memory. She unravels the thread of a destiny: the joys, the doubts, the wars, the passing history altering the course of things. By daring to take inventory, she offers her father an unsinkable place in memory. And to readers, a sensitive text of great beauty.

The author

Hélène Gaudy was born in 1979. After training in the plastic arts, she worked on a number of projects involving images and landscapes. She has published several novels, including Vues sur la mer (Les Impressions nouvelles, 2006), Plein hiver (Actes Sud, 2014) and Une île, une forteresse (Inculte, 2016). She is a member of the Inculte collective and the editorial board of La Moitié du fourbi magazine. Her latest novel, Un monde sans rivage (Actes Sud), based on the lacunar photographs of lost polar explorers, was shortlisted for the Prix Goncourt and won SCAM’s Prix François Billetdoux in 2019. She teaches in the Master de Création littéraire program at Paris 8.

August 19, 2024
288 pages
140 × 205 mm
20,50 €